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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-28T05:32:20

Amaron High-Performance battery The Amaron High-Performance battery is designed for high-demand applications, providing superior power and reliability. Here are the key details: Specifications: Type: Lead-acid battery (typically SLI - Starting, Lighting, Ignition) Capacity: Varies by model; typically ranges from 40 Ah to 80 Ah or more. Voltage: Standard 12V configuration. Size: Multiple sizes available to fit various vehicle models. Features: High Cranking Power: Engineered for quick starts, especially in high-performance and racing vehicles. Low Self-Discharge: Retains charge longer when not in use. Vibration Resistance: Built to withstand harsh conditions and vibrations. Maintenance-Free: Sealed design reduces the need for regular maintenance. Durability: Enhanced construction for longer life in demanding applications. Applications: Performance Vehicles: Ideal for sports cars, racing vehicles, and high-performance applications. Heavy-Duty Use: Suitable for trucks and vehicles requiring extra starting power. Advantages: Quick Recharge: Fast charging capability minimizes downtime. Temperature Tolerance: Performs well in extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. Extended Life: Designed for a longer lifespan compared to standard batteries. Certifications: Typically compliant with international standards for safety and performance.

Amaron High-Performance battery The Amaron High-Performance battery is designed for high-demand applications, providing superior power and reliability. Here are the key details: Specifications: Type: Lead-acid battery (typically SLI - Starting, Lighting, Ignition) Capacity: Varies by model; typically ranges from 40 Ah to 80 Ah or more. Voltage: Standard 12V configuration. Size: Multiple sizes available to fit various vehicle models. Features: High Cranking Power: Engineered for quick starts, especially in high-performance and racing vehicles. Low Self-Discharge: Retains charge longer when not in use. Vibration Resistance: Built to withstand harsh conditions and vibrations. Maintenance-Free: Sealed design reduces the need for regular maintenance. Durability: Enhanced construction for longer life in demanding applications. Applications: Performance Vehicles: Ideal for sports cars, racing vehicles, and high-performance applications. Heavy-Duty Use: Suitable for trucks and vehicles requiring extra starting power. Advantages: Quick Recharge: Fast charging capability minimizes downtime. Temperature Tolerance: Performs well in extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. Extended Life: Designed for a longer lifespan compared to standard batteries. Certifications: Typically compliant with international standards for safety and performance.

  • 2024-09-28T05:32:20

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