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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
UPS Rental & UPS Repairing ServiceIf you are in need of a reliable power source, leave it on us to handle everything. Our Technical team for UPS Rental can help you determine the best Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) Hire option as per your specific needs. UPS Rental Services can prove to be a huge cost saving for your Business establishments.
UPS Rental & UPS Repairing Service
AMARON QUANTA is the industrial segment SMF battery for UPS applications. This battery is built to perform. In short, the lifeline to your UPS applications. AMARON QUANTA is a product of fail-safe, fool-proof battery technology, produced and tested in our premier manufacturing facility. Built to the highest technical competence in its class, the AMARON QUANTA is an example of Amara Raja's commitment to bringing the best of technology to your table. It features several firsts for the battery industry like the unique Radgrid
Amaron Sleek front terminal batteries are designed with True Front terminals and delivers optimal performance in high temperature conditions and deep cycle usage conditions. Manufactured in world's largest integrated MVRLA plant having state of the art manufacturing facilities, this range is designed to offer superior performance in all power backup requirements.Design Float life of 12+ years in accordance with Eurobat Classification of Long Life battery
AMARON QUANTA is the industrial segment SMF battery for UPS applications. This battery is built to perform. In short, the lifeline to your UPS applications. AMARON QUANTA is a product of fail-safe, fool-proof battery technology, produced and tested in our premier manufacturing facility. Built to the highest technical competence in its class, the AMARON QUANTA is an example of Amara Raja's commitment to bringing the best of technology to your table. It features several firsts for the battery industry like the unique Radgrid
UPS ( Uninterrupted Power Supplies)An uninterruptible power supply or uninterruptible power source (UPS) is an electrical apparatus that provides emergency power to a load when the input power source or mains power fails. A UPS differs from an auxiliary or emergency power system or standby generator in that it will provide near-instantaneous protection from input power interruptions, by supplying energy stored in batteries, supercapacitors, or flywheels. The on-battery run-time of most uninterruptible power sources is relatively short (only a few minutes) but sufficient to start a standby power source or properly shut down the protected equipment. It is a type of continual power system.Features of UPS Systems:Line Interactive Range in 600VA and 2000VA with minimal battery backup.We have an online range of UPSs in 1,2 and 3 kVA category both with an internal battery backup of 10 minutes and with a longer battery backup of up to 4 hours.We offer a mini range of UPSs of capacities 6,10 and 20 kVA with options of internal isolation transformers both in single-phase and three-phase options.We have an ITA series of Hitech UPS systems in the range of 6 to 40 kVA.Hiplulse U series of UPS range with internal isolation transformers essentially meant for industrial applications.
UPS ( Uninterrupted Power Supplies)

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