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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
about Universal Power System

about our organization

Universal Power System is a Diamond Partner of Vertiv Energy Pvt Ltd, Formerly Emerson Network Power, and authorized channel partner of AmaraRaja Batteries Ltd. We are Specialists in the field of Power Conditioning Equipment dedicated to marketing, service, and support of the entire range of Power related products. Our focus is on Power Conditioning and Infrastructure solutions. For us, Customer Satisfaction level always comes first and that proves our repeat orders which are unmatched in Power Industry. All our Infrastructure and investments revolve around providing the best services and solutions to the Customer. We offer 24 x 7 x 365 Onsite support with the fastest response time and turnaround time. Resident engineers at Remote locations to provide timely service PAN India. We have an In-house Service Centre for the repair of UPS and own the largest fleet of Standby UPS Systems available to provide to Customers in case of breakdown, where repair/ replacement of Spares takes time Preventive Maintenance ensures maximum efficiency of Business-critical equipment and for the same, we have dedicated Manpower for conducting regular Preventive Maintenance exercise

    about Universal Power System

    Universal Power System is a Diamond Partner of Vertiv Energy Pvt Ltd, Formerly Emerson Network Power, and authorized channel partner of AmaraRaja Batteries Ltd. We are Specialists in the field of Power Conditioning Equipment dedicated to marketing, service, and support of the entire range of Power related products. Our focus is on Power Conditioning and Infrastructure solutions. For us, Customer Satisfaction level always comes first and that proves our repeat orders which are unmatched in Power Industry. All our Infrastructure and investments revolve around providing the best services and solutions to the Customer. We offer 24 x 7 x 365 Onsite support with the fastest response time and turnaround time. Resident engineers at Remote locations to provide timely service PAN India. We have an In-house Service Centre for the repair of UPS and own the largest fleet of Standby UPS Systems available to provide to Customers in case of breakdown, where repair/ replacement of Spares takes time Preventive Maintenance ensures maximum efficiency of Business-critical equipment and for the same, we have dedicated Manpower for conducting regular Preventive Maintenance exercise

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