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  • 2024-09-26T05:15:53

AMARON E-RICKSHAW TUBULAR BATTERY e-Rickshaw Tubular Battery Overview Type: Tubular Battery Technology: Designed specifically for e-rickshaws and other electric vehicles, providing high cycle life and deep discharge capabilities. Key Specifications Voltage: Typically 12V Capacity: Common capacities range from 100 Ah to 220 Ah, depending on the model. Dimensions: Vary by capacity, but typically around 500 mm (H) x 250 mm (W) x 220 mm (D). Weight: Generally between 40 kg to 60 kg, depending on capacity. Features High Cycle Life: Designed for deep discharge cycles, suitable for frequent usage in e-rickshaws. Low Maintenance: Requires less frequent topping up of water compared to conventional lead-acid batteries. Durability: Constructed to withstand vibrations and shocks common in vehicle applications. Corrosion Resistance: Made with materials that resist corrosion, enhancing lifespan. Temperature Tolerance: Performs well in varied temperature conditions. Applications e-Rickshaws: Primary application for urban transport. Electric Vehicles: Suitable for other light electric vehicles. Solar Systems: Can also be used in solar energy storage applications. Maintenance Guidelines Water Levels: Regularly check and maintain electrolyte levels with distilled water. Cleaning: Keep terminals and battery surfaces clean to prevent corrosion. Ventilation: Ensure good ventilation to avoid overheating. Warranty Usually comes with a warranty period (typically 12 to 24 months) that covers manufacturing defects.

AMARON E-RICKSHAW TUBULAR BATTERY e-Rickshaw Tubular Battery Overview Type: Tubular Battery Technology: Designed specifically for e-rickshaws and other electric vehicles, providing high cycle life and deep discharge capabilities. Key Specifications Voltage: Typically 12V Capacity: Common capacities range from 100 Ah to 220 Ah, depending on the model. Dimensions: Vary by capacity, but typically around 500 mm (H) x 250 mm (W) x 220 mm (D). Weight: Generally between 40 kg to 60 kg, depending on capacity. Features High Cycle Life: Designed for deep discharge cycles, suitable for frequent usage in e-rickshaws. Low Maintenance: Requires less frequent topping up of water compared to conventional lead-acid batteries. Durability: Constructed to withstand vibrations and shocks common in vehicle applications. Corrosion Resistance: Made with materials that resist corrosion, enhancing lifespan. Temperature Tolerance: Performs well in varied temperature conditions. Applications e-Rickshaws: Primary application for urban transport. Electric Vehicles: Suitable for other light electric vehicles. Solar Systems: Can also be used in solar energy storage applications. Maintenance Guidelines Water Levels: Regularly check and maintain electrolyte levels with distilled water. Cleaning: Keep terminals and battery surfaces clean to prevent corrosion. Ventilation: Ensure good ventilation to avoid overheating. Warranty Usually comes with a warranty period (typically 12 to 24 months) that covers manufacturing defects.

  • 2024-09-26T05:15:53

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