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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-28T05:47:06

Amaron Flo and Amaron Pro & Amaron Go Amaron Flo Specifications: Type: Maintenance-free lead-acid battery Capacity: 35 Ah to 100 Ah (varies by model) Voltage: 12V Design: Sealed with advanced technology to minimize water loss Features: Maintenance-Free: No topping up needed, thanks to a unique design that prevents water loss. Long Life: Engineered for durability, often lasting 4-5 years. High Cranking Power: Excellent starting power for various vehicle types. Vibration Resistant: Built to endure harsh conditions and road vibrations. Eco-Friendly: Designed with minimal environmental impact. Applications: Passenger vehicles (cars, SUVs) Light commercial vehicles (vans, small trucks) Amaron Pro Specifications: Type: Advanced lead-acid battery Capacity: 40 Ah to 220 Ah (varies by model) Voltage: 12V Design: Robust construction, optimized for heavy-duty performance Features: High Performance: Superior starting power, especially for heavy-duty applications. Longer Life: Typically lasts over 5 years with proper use. Improved Durability: Handles extreme conditions and heavy usage well. Low Self-Discharge: Retains charge effectively, ideal for vehicles with frequent short trips. Advanced Technology: Enhanced thermal management and efficiency features. Applications: Heavy-duty vehicles (trucks, buses) Performance vehicles (sports cars, racing vehicles) Amaron Go Specifications: Type: Lead-acid battery Capacity: Typically ranges from 30 Ah to 60 Ah Voltage: 12V Design: Compact design for easy installation Features: Affordable Option: Cost-effective choice for budget-conscious consumers. Maintenance-Free: Similar to Flo, requires no regular maintenance. Compact Size: Designed for smaller vehicles and easier installation. Good Starting Power: Reliable for regular daily use in standard vehicles. Applications: Entry-level passenger vehicles Smaller cars and hatchbacks Comparison Summary Feature Amaron Flo Amaron Pro Amaron Go Maintenance Maintenance-free Maintenance-free Maintenance-free Capacity Range 35 Ah to 100 Ah 40 Ah to 220 Ah 30 Ah to 60 Ah Cranking Power High Very high Good Lifespan 4-5 years 5+ years 3-5 years Applications Passenger/light commercial Heavy-duty/performance Entry-level vehicles

Amaron Flo and Amaron Pro & Amaron Go Amaron Flo Specifications: Type: Maintenance-free lead-acid battery Capacity: 35 Ah to 100 Ah (varies by model) Voltage: 12V Design: Sealed with advanced technology to minimize water loss Features: Maintenance-Free: No topping up needed, thanks to a unique design that prevents water loss. Long Life: Engineered for durability, often lasting 4-5 years. High Cranking Power: Excellent starting power for various vehicle types. Vibration Resistant: Built to endure harsh conditions and road vibrations. Eco-Friendly: Designed with minimal environmental impact. Applications: Passenger vehicles (cars, SUVs) Light commercial vehicles (vans, small trucks) Amaron Pro Specifications: Type: Advanced lead-acid battery Capacity: 40 Ah to 220 Ah (varies by model) Voltage: 12V Design: Robust construction, optimized for heavy-duty performance Features: High Performance: Superior starting power, especially for heavy-duty applications. Longer Life: Typically lasts over 5 years with proper use. Improved Durability: Handles extreme conditions and heavy usage well. Low Self-Discharge: Retains charge effectively, ideal for vehicles with frequent short trips. Advanced Technology: Enhanced thermal management and efficiency features. Applications: Heavy-duty vehicles (trucks, buses) Performance vehicles (sports cars, racing vehicles) Amaron Go Specifications: Type: Lead-acid battery Capacity: Typically ranges from 30 Ah to 60 Ah Voltage: 12V Design: Compact design for easy installation Features: Affordable Option: Cost-effective choice for budget-conscious consumers. Maintenance-Free: Similar to Flo, requires no regular maintenance. Compact Size: Designed for smaller vehicles and easier installation. Good Starting Power: Reliable for regular daily use in standard vehicles. Applications: Entry-level passenger vehicles Smaller cars and hatchbacks Comparison Summary Feature Amaron Flo Amaron Pro Amaron Go Maintenance Maintenance-free Maintenance-free Maintenance-free Capacity Range 35 Ah to 100 Ah 40 Ah to 220 Ah 30 Ah to 60 Ah Cranking Power High Very high Good Lifespan 4-5 years 5+ years 3-5 years Applications Passenger/light commercial Heavy-duty/performance Entry-level vehicles

  • 2024-09-28T05:47:06

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