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  • 2024-10-04T06:08:28

Amaron Quanta 12V 42AH SMF Online Battery Overview The Amaron Quanta VRLA SMF Battery 42 AH is a general-purpose battery designed for efficient backup for an uninterrupted power supply and reliable standby service life. Features ECO Friendly Advanced AGM Valve Regulated technology Lowest carbon footprint Suitable for Fast charging Sealed maintenance-free battery Specifications Warranty: 12 months Weight: 14 kg Battery Voltage: 12 volts Dimensions: 19.9 x 16.7 x 17.5 cm Usage The Amaron Quanta VRLA 42 ah SMF battery can be used in various applications, including: Online UPS Operating lifts ATMs Fire alarm systems

Amaron Quanta 12V 42AH SMF Online Battery Overview The Amaron Quanta VRLA SMF Battery 42 AH is a general-purpose battery designed for efficient backup for an uninterrupted power supply and reliable standby service life. Features ECO Friendly Advanced AGM Valve Regulated technology Lowest carbon footprint Suitable for Fast charging Sealed maintenance-free battery Specifications Warranty: 12 months Weight: 14 kg Battery Voltage: 12 volts Dimensions: 19.9 x 16.7 x 17.5 cm Usage The Amaron Quanta VRLA 42 ah SMF battery can be used in various applications, including: Online UPS Operating lifts ATMs Fire alarm systems

  • 2024-10-04T06:08:28

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