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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-10T05:56:26

Eaton 9E-IN 1 kVA-Inbuilt Battery UPS Description Product Overview New Eaton 9E-IN is a true online double conversion UPS system that affordably provides Robust, Reliable, Compact and Efficient Power Management Solution for Mission Critical Application from downtime, data-loss. Eaton 9E-IN delivers more power in a limit space and saves energy cost due to it’ highly efficiency design and offers efficiency > 91% in online mode. Eaton 9E-IN perfectly fits harsh Indian environmental and power condition and Provide much stronger protection on inrush current and it improves it’s adapatability to grid power condition Technical Specification Power Rating: 1000-3000VA Voltage: 220-240 V Frequency: 40/70Hz Configuration: Tower Features IGBT Based Rectifier True Online Double Conversion Robust design Wide input voltage range: 160~300VAC @ 100% load(linearly derating to 50% load @ 100VAC input). Generator Compatible with Wide Input voltage window Double Conversion Efficiency >91% & ECO mode efficiency up to 98% 100% load @ 0~40C operating temp. Active Input Power Factor Correction 0.99. O/P power factor 0.9 (O/P power factor 0.8 for long backup model) Inbuilt OVCD (Over Voltage Cut-off device) Fully conform coated PCBA adaptable to harsh environment Offer terminal blocker on 2K/3K rating to connect to big capacity equipment Digital Charger Technology provide 02-10 A charging current. Easy understanding LCD for convenient installation setup WINPOWER software support virtualization transfer application Intelligent Monitoring options.

Eaton 9E-IN 1 kVA-Inbuilt Battery UPS Description Product Overview New Eaton 9E-IN is a true online double conversion UPS system that affordably provides Robust, Reliable, Compact and Efficient Power Management Solution for Mission Critical Application from downtime, data-loss. Eaton 9E-IN delivers more power in a limit space and saves energy cost due to it’ highly efficiency design and offers efficiency > 91% in online mode. Eaton 9E-IN perfectly fits harsh Indian environmental and power condition and Provide much stronger protection on inrush current and it improves it’s adapatability to grid power condition Technical Specification Power Rating: 1000-3000VA Voltage: 220-240 V Frequency: 40/70Hz Configuration: Tower Features IGBT Based Rectifier True Online Double Conversion Robust design Wide input voltage range: 160~300VAC @ 100% load(linearly derating to 50% load @ 100VAC input). Generator Compatible with Wide Input voltage window Double Conversion Efficiency >91% & ECO mode efficiency up to 98% 100% load @ 0~40C operating temp. Active Input Power Factor Correction 0.99. O/P power factor 0.9 (O/P power factor 0.8 for long backup model) Inbuilt OVCD (Over Voltage Cut-off device) Fully conform coated PCBA adaptable to harsh environment Offer terminal blocker on 2K/3K rating to connect to big capacity equipment Digital Charger Technology provide 02-10 A charging current. Easy understanding LCD for convenient installation setup WINPOWER software support virtualization transfer application Intelligent Monitoring options.

  • 2024-09-10T05:56:26

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