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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-02T05:54:19

VERTIV Liebert GXTMT+ LX (3 X 3) The Liebert® GXTMT+ LX (3 X 3) is designed to be the most compact and reliable UPS. It's best-in-class efficiency, robustness, and simplified installation & operations offers protection and continuous power to your mission-critical infrastructure. The ultimate level of engineering and dynamics that have gone beyond the development of this UPS makes it a high performance system with proven reliability, giving you ultimate peace of mind. Features: True Online Double-conversion UPS Embraces the latest DSP processor which guarantees high performance Output power factor 0.9 Active input power factor correction in all phases 50 Hz/60 Hz frequency converter mode ECO mode operation for energy saving (ECO) Emergency power-off function (EPO) Generator compatible Multiple communication ports (SNMP+USB+RS-232) for remote monitoring and management 3-stage extendable charging design for optimized battery performance Adjustable battery numbers for long-run model Integrated Maintenance Bypass Breaker Scalable up to 40 kVA Caster wheels for easy repositioning

VERTIV Liebert GXTMT+ LX (3 X 3) The Liebert® GXTMT+ LX (3 X 3) is designed to be the most compact and reliable UPS. It's best-in-class efficiency, robustness, and simplified installation & operations offers protection and continuous power to your mission-critical infrastructure. The ultimate level of engineering and dynamics that have gone beyond the development of this UPS makes it a high performance system with proven reliability, giving you ultimate peace of mind. Features: True Online Double-conversion UPS Embraces the latest DSP processor which guarantees high performance Output power factor 0.9 Active input power factor correction in all phases 50 Hz/60 Hz frequency converter mode ECO mode operation for energy saving (ECO) Emergency power-off function (EPO) Generator compatible Multiple communication ports (SNMP+USB+RS-232) for remote monitoring and management 3-stage extendable charging design for optimized battery performance Adjustable battery numbers for long-run model Integrated Maintenance Bypass Breaker Scalable up to 40 kVA Caster wheels for easy repositioning

  • 2024-09-02T05:54:19

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