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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-04-19T07:53:30

Emerson / Vertiv Liebert GXT MTX+ 6KVA - online UPS Dealer Liebert® GXT MTX+ 6 kVA is a full featured Transformer based UPS designed to offer compact efficient and reliable power thirsty modern electronic gadgets. It features double conversion online design that ensure continuous high quality power even when the main AC powerfails. The Liebert® GXT MTX+ 6 kVA is compact UPS System with best-in-class Online UPS technology suited for critical applications such as IT & Communication Equipments, VolP, Small/Medium Data Center , Server Rooms, ATMs etc. It’s compact design provides high reliability with promise of Performance Without Compromise suited for India Power Condition. The Liebert® GXT MTX+ 6 kVA is a true on-line sinewave UPS system that provides the user with clean computer grade power for continuous operation of his critical load, regardless of any disturbance on the upstream AC Power. The system offers many Innovative features to give the user maximum reliability and flexibility at the lowest operation cost. With Liebert® GXT MTX+ 6 kVA UPS system, you have complete peace of mind. Liebert® GXT MTX+ 6 kVA provides customer with reliable source of uninterruptable power protection even in demanding power environments including Wide input Voltage window, frequency Regulation, input power factor Correction, Better output Voltage Regulation. #Emerson / Vertiv Liebert GXT MTX+ 6KVA - online UPS Dealer

Emerson / Vertiv Liebert GXT MTX+ 6KVA - online UPS Dealer Liebert® GXT MTX+ 6 kVA is a full featured Transformer based UPS designed to offer compact efficient and reliable power thirsty modern electronic gadgets. It features double conversion online design that ensure continuous high quality power even when the main AC powerfails. The Liebert® GXT MTX+ 6 kVA is compact UPS System with best-in-class Online UPS technology suited for critical applications such as IT & Communication Equipments, VolP, Small/Medium Data Center , Server Rooms, ATMs etc. It’s compact design provides high reliability with promise of Performance Without Compromise suited for India Power Condition. The Liebert® GXT MTX+ 6 kVA is a true on-line sinewave UPS system that provides the user with clean computer grade power for continuous operation of his critical load, regardless of any disturbance on the upstream AC Power. The system offers many Innovative features to give the user maximum reliability and flexibility at the lowest operation cost. With Liebert® GXT MTX+ 6 kVA UPS system, you have complete peace of mind. Liebert® GXT MTX+ 6 kVA provides customer with reliable source of uninterruptable power protection even in demanding power environments including Wide input Voltage window, frequency Regulation, input power factor Correction, Better output Voltage Regulation. #Emerson / Vertiv Liebert GXT MTX+ 6KVA - online UPS Dealer

  • 2024-04-19T07:53:30

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