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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-08-28T05:56:43

Emerson / Vertiv Liebert itON CX 600 VA The Liebert ITON Series is an economical line-interactive UPS that offers full-featured power protection for home or small office computers and electronic equipment. 600 VA / 360 W. Warranty - 2 yrs. features: Topology - Line-interactive UPS. Output waveform - Simulated sine wave. LED indication. Audiable alarms for fault. Protection - Full protection - Overload, discharge, and overcharge. AVR Boost and buck for voltage stabilisation. Cold start function. Generator Compatible.

Emerson / Vertiv Liebert itON CX 600 VA The Liebert ITON Series is an economical line-interactive UPS that offers full-featured power protection for home or small office computers and electronic equipment. 600 VA / 360 W. Warranty - 2 yrs. features: Topology - Line-interactive UPS. Output waveform - Simulated sine wave. LED indication. Audiable alarms for fault. Protection - Full protection - Overload, discharge, and overcharge. AVR Boost and buck for voltage stabilisation. Cold start function. Generator Compatible.

  • 2024-08-28T05:56:43

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