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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-08-07T05:50:59

HI-PLUS-U VERTIVE ONLINE UPS 30KVA TO 40 KVA The Liebert Hipulse-U offers a reliable, scalable and user-friendly solution to ensure availability of various critical applications. The Liebert Hipulse-U offers protection to your investment, and provide lower cost of ownership through its digital architecture and range of options which you can customize specifically for your needs. Built Investment Protection . Automatic battery testing .Field settability of EOD of the battery . Selectable times for boost charging duration of the battery (15 steps with each step of 1 hour) . Protection against deep discharge of battery . Short-circuit proof inverter . Integrated back-feed potential free contacts .D-level lightning protection (Optional) . Embedded with 3 auxiliary power supply to ensure redundancy under any condition* .Standard dry contacts . Choice of array of input harmonic filter options . Temperature-compensated battery charging (optional). #HI-PLUS-U VERTIVE ONLINE UPS 30KVA TO 40 KVA

HI-PLUS-U VERTIVE ONLINE UPS 30KVA TO 40 KVA The Liebert Hipulse-U offers a reliable, scalable and user-friendly solution to ensure availability of various critical applications. The Liebert Hipulse-U offers protection to your investment, and provide lower cost of ownership through its digital architecture and range of options which you can customize specifically for your needs. Built Investment Protection . Automatic battery testing .Field settability of EOD of the battery . Selectable times for boost charging duration of the battery (15 steps with each step of 1 hour) . Protection against deep discharge of battery . Short-circuit proof inverter . Integrated back-feed potential free contacts .D-level lightning protection (Optional) . Embedded with 3 auxiliary power supply to ensure redundancy under any condition* .Standard dry contacts . Choice of array of input harmonic filter options . Temperature-compensated battery charging (optional). #HI-PLUS-U VERTIVE ONLINE UPS 30KVA TO 40 KVA

  • 2024-08-07T05:50:59

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