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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-10T05:20:03

Liebert® EXL™ S1 300kW - 1200kW The new Liebert® EXL™ is a monolithic product that features a transformer-free design with a full IGBT three-level topology, providing extraordinary features including a double conversion efficiency of up to 97% plus intelligent paralleling to optimize efficiency at partial load, thus achieving superior running cost savings as well as reduced TCO and CO2 emissions. Liebert EXL can operate with both standard VRLA and new Li-ion batteries thus adapting to all possible requirements in terms of runtime, life expectancy and TCO, and showing extreme flexibility. Key Benefits Extraordinary double conversion efficiency up to 97% Intelligent ECO mode efficiency above 99% Intelligent paralleling feature optimizes efficiency at partial load Maximized active power at unity power factor Compact footprint for optimum space utilization Backward compatibility with previous 80-NET generation Li-ion battery option to adapt to all scenarios Benefits & Features Benefits Flexibility and compatibility Improved efficiency Intelligent paralleling Reduced TCO Features Transformer-free design Full IGBT three-level NPC2 topology Excellent input performances: - PF > 0.99 - THDi < 3% Automatic output power upgrade of up to +10% Output PF diagram symmetrical respect to zero Three and four wire electrical compatibility Centralized and distributed parallel capabilities Seismic compliance

Liebert® EXL™ S1 300kW - 1200kW The new Liebert® EXL™ is a monolithic product that features a transformer-free design with a full IGBT three-level topology, providing extraordinary features including a double conversion efficiency of up to 97% plus intelligent paralleling to optimize efficiency at partial load, thus achieving superior running cost savings as well as reduced TCO and CO2 emissions. Liebert EXL can operate with both standard VRLA and new Li-ion batteries thus adapting to all possible requirements in terms of runtime, life expectancy and TCO, and showing extreme flexibility. Key Benefits Extraordinary double conversion efficiency up to 97% Intelligent ECO mode efficiency above 99% Intelligent paralleling feature optimizes efficiency at partial load Maximized active power at unity power factor Compact footprint for optimum space utilization Backward compatibility with previous 80-NET generation Li-ion battery option to adapt to all scenarios Benefits & Features Benefits Flexibility and compatibility Improved efficiency Intelligent paralleling Reduced TCO Features Transformer-free design Full IGBT three-level NPC2 topology Excellent input performances: - PF > 0.99 - THDi < 3% Automatic output power upgrade of up to +10% Output PF diagram symmetrical respect to zero Three and four wire electrical compatibility Centralized and distributed parallel capabilities Seismic compliance

  • 2024-09-10T05:20:03

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