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  • 2024-01-06T10:04:52

NO-1 DEALER OF DUAL FUEL KIT BEST DEALER OF DUAL FUEL KIT WHAT IS DUAL FUEL TECHNOLOGY? Dual Fueling is simultaneous combustion Methane rich gas (most often Natural gas) with Diesel as fuel. After conversion, the engine can continue to operate with only Diesel also. However, a ‘Gas only’ operation is not possible. During Dual Fuel operation, a reduced quantity of diesel fuel acts as the ignition source for the air-gas mixture. The Methane rich gas mix replaces significant proportion of Diesel to produce equivalent heat energy during combustion in the cylinder. #NO-1 DEALER OF DUAL FUEL KIT #BEST DEALER OF DUAL FUEL KIT

NO-1 DEALER OF DUAL FUEL KIT BEST DEALER OF DUAL FUEL KIT WHAT IS DUAL FUEL TECHNOLOGY? Dual Fueling is simultaneous combustion Methane rich gas (most often Natural gas) with Diesel as fuel. After conversion, the engine can continue to operate with only Diesel also. However, a ‘Gas only’ operation is not possible. During Dual Fuel operation, a reduced quantity of diesel fuel acts as the ignition source for the air-gas mixture. The Methane rich gas mix replaces significant proportion of Diesel to produce equivalent heat energy during combustion in the cylinder. #NO-1 DEALER OF DUAL FUEL KIT #BEST DEALER OF DUAL FUEL KIT

  • 2024-01-06T10:04:52

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