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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-10T05:25:38

RIELLO Master Industrial Power Range: 30 - 80 kVA 3:1 DC BUS 220 Vdc Ideal for industrial installations HIGHLIGHTS Battery voltage: 220 Vdc Galvanic isolation of input and output High short circuit current Redundant ventilation Master Industrial series UPS provide maximum protection and power quality for any type of load, especially industrial applications, such as manufacturing and petrochemical processes, electrical distribution and power plants. Master Industrial is an ON LINE double conversion UPS (class VFI SS 111 in accordance with IEC EN 62040-3) with input and output isolation transformers.

RIELLO Master Industrial Power Range: 30 - 80 kVA 3:1 DC BUS 220 Vdc Ideal for industrial installations HIGHLIGHTS Battery voltage: 220 Vdc Galvanic isolation of input and output High short circuit current Redundant ventilation Master Industrial series UPS provide maximum protection and power quality for any type of load, especially industrial applications, such as manufacturing and petrochemical processes, electrical distribution and power plants. Master Industrial is an ON LINE double conversion UPS (class VFI SS 111 in accordance with IEC EN 62040-3) with input and output isolation transformers.

  • 2024-09-10T05:25:38

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