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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-20T05:22:21

Riello Sentinel Dual (SDU) The Riello Sentinel Dual (SDU) is a line-interactive uninterruptible power supply (UPS) designed for applications that require reliable power protection. Here’s an overview of its key features, specifications, and benefits: Key Features: Line-Interactive Technology: Automatically regulates voltage fluctuations, providing stable output without relying on battery power for minor disturbances. Double Conversion Mode: Offers true online operation for critical loads, ensuring high-quality power. Pure Sine Wave Output: Delivers clean and reliable power, making it suitable for sensitive electronics. User-Friendly Interface: Equipped with a clear LCD display for real-time monitoring of UPS status, battery levels, and load information. Modular Design: Allows for easy scalability and the addition of external battery packs for extended runtime. Eco Mode: Provides energy-saving operation by optimizing efficiency when conditions permit. Specifications: Power Ratings: Available in various capacities, typically ranging from 1 kVA to 3 kVA. Input Voltage: Usually operates on 220V to 240V, with a frequency of 50/60 Hz. Output Voltage: Typically 220V to 240V, providing pure sine wave output. Number of Outlets: Varies by model, usually featuring multiple IEC and Schuko sockets. Communication Ports: Options for USB, RS-232, and SNMP for remote monitoring and management. Benefits: Reliable Protection: Safeguards against power outages, voltage sags, and spikes, ensuring continuous operation of connected devices. Compact Design: Space-efficient form factor, suitable for various environments, including offices and data centers. Scalability: Easily expandable to meet changing power needs. User-Friendly: Intuitive monitoring and management, reducing complexity for users.

Riello Sentinel Dual (SDU) The Riello Sentinel Dual (SDU) is a line-interactive uninterruptible power supply (UPS) designed for applications that require reliable power protection. Here’s an overview of its key features, specifications, and benefits: Key Features: Line-Interactive Technology: Automatically regulates voltage fluctuations, providing stable output without relying on battery power for minor disturbances. Double Conversion Mode: Offers true online operation for critical loads, ensuring high-quality power. Pure Sine Wave Output: Delivers clean and reliable power, making it suitable for sensitive electronics. User-Friendly Interface: Equipped with a clear LCD display for real-time monitoring of UPS status, battery levels, and load information. Modular Design: Allows for easy scalability and the addition of external battery packs for extended runtime. Eco Mode: Provides energy-saving operation by optimizing efficiency when conditions permit. Specifications: Power Ratings: Available in various capacities, typically ranging from 1 kVA to 3 kVA. Input Voltage: Usually operates on 220V to 240V, with a frequency of 50/60 Hz. Output Voltage: Typically 220V to 240V, providing pure sine wave output. Number of Outlets: Varies by model, usually featuring multiple IEC and Schuko sockets. Communication Ports: Options for USB, RS-232, and SNMP for remote monitoring and management. Benefits: Reliable Protection: Safeguards against power outages, voltage sags, and spikes, ensuring continuous operation of connected devices. Compact Design: Space-efficient form factor, suitable for various environments, including offices and data centers. Scalability: Easily expandable to meet changing power needs. User-Friendly: Intuitive monitoring and management, reducing complexity for users.

  • 2024-09-20T05:22:21

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