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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-06T05:47:24

RIELLO SuperCaps UPS Solutions with SuperCaps Supercapacitors offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional battery-based UPS systems. Our high power density energy storage devices deliver autonomy in the range of seconds, so are ideal for sites prone to very short interruptions. Can operate in a far wider temperature range than standard UPS, reducing the need for heating or air conditioning. Compact footprint saves space. Offers long-term TCO savings on battery monitoring, replacement, recycling, and disposal. HIGHLIGHTS Eco-friendly, battery-free alternative to standard UPS systems Suitable for facilities prone to very short power interruptions Wide operating temperature (-30 °C to +45 °C) eliminates heating or cooling Long-term savings on battery monitoring, replacement, and recycling Reduced footprint and weight than traditional UPS systems

RIELLO SuperCaps UPS Solutions with SuperCaps Supercapacitors offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional battery-based UPS systems. Our high power density energy storage devices deliver autonomy in the range of seconds, so are ideal for sites prone to very short interruptions. Can operate in a far wider temperature range than standard UPS, reducing the need for heating or air conditioning. Compact footprint saves space. Offers long-term TCO savings on battery monitoring, replacement, recycling, and disposal. HIGHLIGHTS Eco-friendly, battery-free alternative to standard UPS systems Suitable for facilities prone to very short power interruptions Wide operating temperature (-30 °C to +45 °C) eliminates heating or cooling Long-term savings on battery monitoring, replacement, and recycling Reduced footprint and weight than traditional UPS systems

  • 2024-09-06T05:47:24

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