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  • 2024-09-16T05:15:27

APC BX1100C-IN 1100VA 230V Back UPS The APC BX1100C-IN is an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) designed to provide backup power and surge protection for electronic devices. Here’s a brief overview: ### **APC BX1100C-IN 1100VA 230V Back-UPS** Features - **Capacity:** 1100VA / 700W - **Input Voltage:** 230V - **Output Voltage:** 230V - **Battery Backup:** Keeps your devices running during power outages - **Surge Protection:** Protects connected devices from power surges and spikes - **Number of Outlets:** Typically has multiple outlets (usually 3-4) for various devices - **Runtime:** Varies depending on the load; typically provides several minutes of backup power - **Form Factor:** Tower design, compact and suitable for desktop use - **Indicators:** Usually includes LED indicators for power, battery, and surge status - **Management Software:** Often comes with software to monitor power usage and manage settings #### **Typical Appearance:** The APC BX1100C-IN generally has a black, rectangular tower design. The front panel usually features: - A power button - LED indicators for power and battery status - Surge protection outlets on the rear panel ![APC BX1100C-IN]( (Note: For accurate images and more detailed specifications, it is always best to consult the product manual or the manufacturer's website.) ### **Usage Tips:** - **Placement:** Place the UPS in a well-ventilated area to avoid overheating. - **Testing:** Regularly test the UPS to ensure it's functioning properly. - **Maintenance:** Keep the battery charged and replace it when necessary (typically every 3-5 years).

APC BX1100C-IN 1100VA 230V Back UPS The APC BX1100C-IN is an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) designed to provide backup power and surge protection for electronic devices. Here’s a brief overview: ### **APC BX1100C-IN 1100VA 230V Back-UPS** Features - **Capacity:** 1100VA / 700W - **Input Voltage:** 230V - **Output Voltage:** 230V - **Battery Backup:** Keeps your devices running during power outages - **Surge Protection:** Protects connected devices from power surges and spikes - **Number of Outlets:** Typically has multiple outlets (usually 3-4) for various devices - **Runtime:** Varies depending on the load; typically provides several minutes of backup power - **Form Factor:** Tower design, compact and suitable for desktop use - **Indicators:** Usually includes LED indicators for power, battery, and surge status - **Management Software:** Often comes with software to monitor power usage and manage settings #### **Typical Appearance:** The APC BX1100C-IN generally has a black, rectangular tower design. The front panel usually features: - A power button - LED indicators for power and battery status - Surge protection outlets on the rear panel ![APC BX1100C-IN]( (Note: For accurate images and more detailed specifications, it is always best to consult the product manual or the manufacturer's website.) ### **Usage Tips:** - **Placement:** Place the UPS in a well-ventilated area to avoid overheating. - **Testing:** Regularly test the UPS to ensure it's functioning properly. - **Maintenance:** Keep the battery charged and replace it when necessary (typically every 3-5 years).

  • 2024-09-16T05:15:27

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