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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-04-16T10:28:03

UPS, 3 X 3, 200 kVA, 3 Phase, 415V, 6 Pulse, Hi-pulse-U, Dealer Fully Digital, twin DSP controlled Rated at 0.9 output power factor to deliver more active power Handle leading power factor loads without KW derating under specified conditions On-Line Double Conversion IGBTbased PWM Inverter Wide input voltage tolerance (+20/-20%) Wide input frequency range of 45Hz to 65Hz High overload capability of static bypass (14 times for 10 milliseconds and 10 times for 100 milliseconds) Capability to handle: High crest factor loads 100% non-linear loads 100% unbalanced loads Built-in maintenance bypass Front access for spares replacement and preventive maintenance Easy Dual bus configuration architecture Adjustable frequency synchronization window up to 6% in the static bypass Field protocols ModBus / Jbus Network protocols SNMP Overload capability of the UPS: 110% full load for 60 minutes 125% full load for 10 minutes 150% full load for 1 minutes Compact footprint #UPS, 3 X 3, 200 kVA, 3 Phase, 415V, 6 Pulse, Hi-pulse-U, Dealer

UPS, 3 X 3, 200 kVA, 3 Phase, 415V, 6 Pulse, Hi-pulse-U, Dealer Fully Digital, twin DSP controlled Rated at 0.9 output power factor to deliver more active power Handle leading power factor loads without KW derating under specified conditions On-Line Double Conversion IGBTbased PWM Inverter Wide input voltage tolerance (+20/-20%) Wide input frequency range of 45Hz to 65Hz High overload capability of static bypass (14 times for 10 milliseconds and 10 times for 100 milliseconds) Capability to handle: High crest factor loads 100% non-linear loads 100% unbalanced loads Built-in maintenance bypass Front access for spares replacement and preventive maintenance Easy Dual bus configuration architecture Adjustable frequency synchronization window up to 6% in the static bypass Field protocols ModBus / Jbus Network protocols SNMP Overload capability of the UPS: 110% full load for 60 minutes 125% full load for 10 minutes 150% full load for 1 minutes Compact footprint #UPS, 3 X 3, 200 kVA, 3 Phase, 415V, 6 Pulse, Hi-pulse-U, Dealer

  • 2024-04-16T10:28:03

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