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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-08-28T05:14:07

VERTIV EMERSON GXE2 1-10KVA UPS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This series of UPS has the following characteristics:  Compared with the previous generation UPS, this series of UPS provides more efficient AC power and higher power density  Using DSP full digital control technology, high system stability, self-protection and fault diagnosis capabilities  Has a powerful intelligent battery management function, extending battery life  The operation display panel adopts a liquid crystal display, which independently displays the load percentage and battery capacity, allowing users to understand the working status and operating parameters of the UPS more intuitively. Intelligent fan design, which can automatically adjust the fan speed according to the load condition, thereby reducing power consumption and noise The load capacity is stronger, and it can work at full load within the full input voltage range  Provide standard RS-232 interface and B-type USB interface for communication between UPS and network server or other computer systems  Provide dry contact, realize remote shutdown function, make operation more convenient  ECO power supply mode, if the user chooses this mode to supply power, it can save energy to the greatest extent  With the monitoring software of Vertiv Technology Co., Ltd., it can realize the perfect network power management function  Under certain operating conditions, the input power factor is greater than 0.99 and varies according to different critical conditions  With output voltage system selection function  Reduce input THDI and output THDU  Provide more output sockets for user convenience  Compatible with oil engine mode input

VERTIV EMERSON GXE2 1-10KVA UPS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This series of UPS has the following characteristics:  Compared with the previous generation UPS, this series of UPS provides more efficient AC power and higher power density  Using DSP full digital control technology, high system stability, self-protection and fault diagnosis capabilities  Has a powerful intelligent battery management function, extending battery life  The operation display panel adopts a liquid crystal display, which independently displays the load percentage and battery capacity, allowing users to understand the working status and operating parameters of the UPS more intuitively. Intelligent fan design, which can automatically adjust the fan speed according to the load condition, thereby reducing power consumption and noise The load capacity is stronger, and it can work at full load within the full input voltage range  Provide standard RS-232 interface and B-type USB interface for communication between UPS and network server or other computer systems  Provide dry contact, realize remote shutdown function, make operation more convenient  ECO power supply mode, if the user chooses this mode to supply power, it can save energy to the greatest extent  With the monitoring software of Vertiv Technology Co., Ltd., it can realize the perfect network power management function  Under certain operating conditions, the input power factor is greater than 0.99 and varies according to different critical conditions  With output voltage system selection function  Reduce input THDI and output THDU  Provide more output sockets for user convenience  Compatible with oil engine mode input

  • 2024-08-28T05:14:07

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