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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-04-23T05:57:41

Vertiv/EmersonLiebert® ITA2 10 - 40 kVA Online ups dealer With a unity output power factor, Liebert ITA2 perfectly matches the needs of modern IT loads, and with its wide input voltage and frequency range it effectively reduces the need for battery intervention, thus prolonging battery life. It is also endowed with intelligent fans with automatic speed control, which effectively save energy and reduce noise. Liebert ITA2 supports common battery configurations between paralleled UPS and the number of batteries per string, which can be arranged flexibly, facilitating the utilization of different battery systems and saving on battery investment. An extra powerful battery charger across all models capable of recharging high capacity battery strings ensures a fast charge-restoration even after a prolonged power outages. #Vertiv/EmersonLiebert® ITA2 10 - 40 kVA Online ups dealer

Vertiv/EmersonLiebert® ITA2 10 - 40 kVA Online ups dealer With a unity output power factor, Liebert ITA2 perfectly matches the needs of modern IT loads, and with its wide input voltage and frequency range it effectively reduces the need for battery intervention, thus prolonging battery life. It is also endowed with intelligent fans with automatic speed control, which effectively save energy and reduce noise. Liebert ITA2 supports common battery configurations between paralleled UPS and the number of batteries per string, which can be arranged flexibly, facilitating the utilization of different battery systems and saving on battery investment. An extra powerful battery charger across all models capable of recharging high capacity battery strings ensures a fast charge-restoration even after a prolonged power outages. #Vertiv/EmersonLiebert® ITA2 10 - 40 kVA Online ups dealer

  • 2024-04-23T05:57:41

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