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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-21T08:59:32

Vertiv Liebert 20 kVA 3:1 phase UPS The Liebert 20 kVA 3:1 phase UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is designed to provide reliable power protection and ensure uninterrupted operation for critical applications. Here are the key details you might find useful: Key Features Power Capacity: 20 kVA, suitable for medium to large-scale applications. Configuration: 3:1 phase configuration (3-phase input to 1-phase output), ideal for environments with a three-phase power supply. Topology: Typically features a double-conversion online topology for maximum protection and power quality. Efficiency: High efficiency in both normal and eco modes to reduce operational costs. Specifications Input Voltage Range: Usually around 380-480 V (depending on model specifics). Output Voltage: Commonly 220-240 V single-phase. Frequency: 50/60 Hz adaptable, depending on the region. Output Waveform: Pure sine wave for optimal equipment compatibility. Cooling System: May include internal fans and ventilation for efficient heat dissipation. Battery Specifications Battery Type: Typically uses sealed lead-acid or lithium-ion batteries, depending on the model. Battery Runtime: Varies based on load; typically offers several minutes to hours of backup. Recharge Time: Designed to recharge quickly, usually within a few hours to 80% capacity. Applications Data Centers: Protects servers and network equipment. Telecommunications: Ensures uninterrupted service and communications. Industrial: Safeguards critical machinery and processes. Healthcare: Provides reliable power for medical equipment. Monitoring and Management Display Interface: Often equipped with an LCD for monitoring status, load levels, and battery health. Communication Ports: May include USB, RS-232, and SNMP for remote monitoring and management. Software Compatibility: Typically compatible with power management software for enhanced monitoring. Maintenance User-Friendly Design: Simplified maintenance procedures for ease of access. Regular Checks: Routine inspections of batteries and cooling systems are recommended for optimal performance.

Vertiv Liebert 20 kVA 3:1 phase UPS The Liebert 20 kVA 3:1 phase UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is designed to provide reliable power protection and ensure uninterrupted operation for critical applications. Here are the key details you might find useful: Key Features Power Capacity: 20 kVA, suitable for medium to large-scale applications. Configuration: 3:1 phase configuration (3-phase input to 1-phase output), ideal for environments with a three-phase power supply. Topology: Typically features a double-conversion online topology for maximum protection and power quality. Efficiency: High efficiency in both normal and eco modes to reduce operational costs. Specifications Input Voltage Range: Usually around 380-480 V (depending on model specifics). Output Voltage: Commonly 220-240 V single-phase. Frequency: 50/60 Hz adaptable, depending on the region. Output Waveform: Pure sine wave for optimal equipment compatibility. Cooling System: May include internal fans and ventilation for efficient heat dissipation. Battery Specifications Battery Type: Typically uses sealed lead-acid or lithium-ion batteries, depending on the model. Battery Runtime: Varies based on load; typically offers several minutes to hours of backup. Recharge Time: Designed to recharge quickly, usually within a few hours to 80% capacity. Applications Data Centers: Protects servers and network equipment. Telecommunications: Ensures uninterrupted service and communications. Industrial: Safeguards critical machinery and processes. Healthcare: Provides reliable power for medical equipment. Monitoring and Management Display Interface: Often equipped with an LCD for monitoring status, load levels, and battery health. Communication Ports: May include USB, RS-232, and SNMP for remote monitoring and management. Software Compatibility: Typically compatible with power management software for enhanced monitoring. Maintenance User-Friendly Design: Simplified maintenance procedures for ease of access. Regular Checks: Routine inspections of batteries and cooling systems are recommended for optimal performance.

  • 2024-09-21T08:59:32

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