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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-18T07:09:22

Vertiv Liebert 3 Kva 1:1 Phase Gxt Rt+ 3kva Rack Mountable Online The Liebert GXT RT+ 3kVA UPS is a top-notch online double conversion solution that provides reliable power protection in a compact, efficient, and affordable package ¹. This rack-mountable UPS is perfect for small to medium server rooms, data centers, network closets, and VoIP telecom systems ². Key Features: High Power Factor: 0.9 power factor enables continuous power to more connected devices ¹ User-Friendly LCD Display: easy monitoring and control Wide Input Voltage Range: adaptable to various power environments Input Power Factor Correction: efficient energy use Eco Mode Operation: energy-saving features Emergency Power Off Function: secure shutdown in case of emergencies ² Technical Specifications: Capacity: 3kVA Phase: 1:1 phase (single-phase in, single-phase out) Power Factor: 0.99 @ nominal voltage ³ The Liebert GXT RT+ series also offers flexibility in deployment and operation, making it a great choice for various applications. For installation, you can refer to the quick installation guide provided by Vertiv ⁴.

Vertiv Liebert 3 Kva 1:1 Phase Gxt Rt+ 3kva Rack Mountable Online The Liebert GXT RT+ 3kVA UPS is a top-notch online double conversion solution that provides reliable power protection in a compact, efficient, and affordable package ¹. This rack-mountable UPS is perfect for small to medium server rooms, data centers, network closets, and VoIP telecom systems ². Key Features: High Power Factor: 0.9 power factor enables continuous power to more connected devices ¹ User-Friendly LCD Display: easy monitoring and control Wide Input Voltage Range: adaptable to various power environments Input Power Factor Correction: efficient energy use Eco Mode Operation: energy-saving features Emergency Power Off Function: secure shutdown in case of emergencies ² Technical Specifications: Capacity: 3kVA Phase: 1:1 phase (single-phase in, single-phase out) Power Factor: 0.99 @ nominal voltage ³ The Liebert GXT RT+ series also offers flexibility in deployment and operation, making it a great choice for various applications. For installation, you can refer to the quick installation guide provided by Vertiv ⁴.

  • 2024-09-18T07:09:22

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