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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-02T06:23:42

Vertiv™ Liebert® GXT MT+ EX UPS Essential and Affordable UPS for High Performance Power Protection Features • IGBT Based Rectifier • Digital Signal Processors (DSP) Control Technology for High Performance and Reliability. • Equipped with intuitive and broad LCD Display. • Double Conversion Efficiency up to 92% • Active Input Power Factor (PF) Correction 0.99. • 0.9 Output Power Factor • Wide Input Voltage window • (110 Vac to 280 Vac) for Indian Environmental Condition. • Configurable Output Voltage (208 Vac/220 Vac/230 Vac/240 Vac) • Generator Compatible with Wide Input Frequency Range (40 Hz to 70 Hz) • 4 Stage, Extendable Charging Design for optimized Battery Performance. • Adjustable Battery Charging Current 1 A/2 A/4 A/6 A according to Battery Capacity and Rating. • 50 Hz/60 Hz Automatic Frequency Converter Mode. • Inbuilt Over Voltage Cut-Off device (OVCD) feature

Vertiv™ Liebert® GXT MT+ EX UPS Essential and Affordable UPS for High Performance Power Protection Features • IGBT Based Rectifier • Digital Signal Processors (DSP) Control Technology for High Performance and Reliability. • Equipped with intuitive and broad LCD Display. • Double Conversion Efficiency up to 92% • Active Input Power Factor (PF) Correction 0.99. • 0.9 Output Power Factor • Wide Input Voltage window • (110 Vac to 280 Vac) for Indian Environmental Condition. • Configurable Output Voltage (208 Vac/220 Vac/230 Vac/240 Vac) • Generator Compatible with Wide Input Frequency Range (40 Hz to 70 Hz) • 4 Stage, Extendable Charging Design for optimized Battery Performance. • Adjustable Battery Charging Current 1 A/2 A/4 A/6 A according to Battery Capacity and Rating. • 50 Hz/60 Hz Automatic Frequency Converter Mode. • Inbuilt Over Voltage Cut-Off device (OVCD) feature

  • 2024-09-02T06:23:42

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