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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-06T06:15:49

VERTIV Liebert Hipulse AC UPS System, 20-800kVA From reliability to availability, from scalability to redundancy, from user-friendliness to maintainability, from parallelibility to connectivity, from investment protection to lower cost of ownership, whichever value you need, HIPULSE address them efficiently and effectively. Benefits & Features Features • Rated at 0.8 output power factor • On-Line double conversion with IGBT based PWM Inverter • Wide input voltage tolerance (+/-15%) • Wide input frequency tolerance (+/-6%) • Automatic battery testing • High overload capability of static bypass (14 times for 10 milliseconds and 10 times for 100 milliseconds) • Ingress protection IP 31/ IP32/ IP 41 /IP 42 • Capability to handle: - High crest factor loads at 100% non-linear loads • Built-in maintenance bypass (Single and 1+N Models) • Front access for spares replacement and preventive Maintenance • Provision to use any type of battery: Wet cells (Tubular Plante), Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) / Maintenance Free and Nickel Cadmium. • Adjustable Frequency Synchronization with Static Bypass • Provision of automatic battery circuit breaker instead of using conventional isolator in the DC path • Advance Battery Management • Selectable Timer for boost charging • Overload capability of the UPS: - 110% full-load for 60 minutes - 125% full-load for 10 minutes - 135%-150% full-load for 60 Sec • Field Protocols ModBus • Compact footprint • Fan Redundancy • Parallelbility: Up to 6 module can be parallel for capacity enhancement / redundancy

VERTIV Liebert Hipulse AC UPS System, 20-800kVA From reliability to availability, from scalability to redundancy, from user-friendliness to maintainability, from parallelibility to connectivity, from investment protection to lower cost of ownership, whichever value you need, HIPULSE address them efficiently and effectively. Benefits & Features Features • Rated at 0.8 output power factor • On-Line double conversion with IGBT based PWM Inverter • Wide input voltage tolerance (+/-15%) • Wide input frequency tolerance (+/-6%) • Automatic battery testing • High overload capability of static bypass (14 times for 10 milliseconds and 10 times for 100 milliseconds) • Ingress protection IP 31/ IP32/ IP 41 /IP 42 • Capability to handle: - High crest factor loads at 100% non-linear loads • Built-in maintenance bypass (Single and 1+N Models) • Front access for spares replacement and preventive Maintenance • Provision to use any type of battery: Wet cells (Tubular Plante), Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) / Maintenance Free and Nickel Cadmium. • Adjustable Frequency Synchronization with Static Bypass • Provision of automatic battery circuit breaker instead of using conventional isolator in the DC path • Advance Battery Management • Selectable Timer for boost charging • Overload capability of the UPS: - 110% full-load for 60 minutes - 125% full-load for 10 minutes - 135%-150% full-load for 60 Sec • Field Protocols ModBus • Compact footprint • Fan Redundancy • Parallelbility: Up to 6 module can be parallel for capacity enhancement / redundancy

  • 2024-09-06T06:15:49

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