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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-12T12:04:48

Vertiv™ Trinergy™ UPS, 1500-2500 kW 480V UL 3-Phase Modular Large UPS The Vertiv™ Trinergy™ UPS is a high-capacity UPS with maximized reliability and resilience, modular architecture, and high efficiency. It is ideal for the demanding requirements of large-scale applications such as AI. It can handle rapid load changes without performance degradation ensuring continuous operation. With 99% efficiency (Dynamic Online mode), it provides cost savings and reduced total cost of ownership. Available in standardized UL and CE configurations for global installations. Key Benefits MAXIMIZED RELIABILITY & RESILIENCE: It is designed to endure extreme electrical challenges and ensure continuous power quality and availability.​ EMPOWERING HIGH-DENSITY APPLICATIONS: It delivers more power in a single block, ideal to support large-scale data centers for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and High-Performance Computing (HPC) applications.​ MULTI-MODULE DESIGN: Deploy modular power and scale with ease and speed to meet your needs.​ ENERGY SOURCE INTEGRATION: This UPS supports integration of various energy and backup power sources, such as lithium-ion and nickel-zinc.​ INCREASED EFFICIENCY: With up to 99% efficiency in dynamic online mode, it combines continuous availability and cost saving.​ GLOBAL AVAILABILITY: It is designed, manufactured, and tested for worldwide availability.

Vertiv™ Trinergy™ UPS, 1500-2500 kW 480V UL 3-Phase Modular Large UPS The Vertiv™ Trinergy™ UPS is a high-capacity UPS with maximized reliability and resilience, modular architecture, and high efficiency. It is ideal for the demanding requirements of large-scale applications such as AI. It can handle rapid load changes without performance degradation ensuring continuous operation. With 99% efficiency (Dynamic Online mode), it provides cost savings and reduced total cost of ownership. Available in standardized UL and CE configurations for global installations. Key Benefits MAXIMIZED RELIABILITY & RESILIENCE: It is designed to endure extreme electrical challenges and ensure continuous power quality and availability.​ EMPOWERING HIGH-DENSITY APPLICATIONS: It delivers more power in a single block, ideal to support large-scale data centers for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and High-Performance Computing (HPC) applications.​ MULTI-MODULE DESIGN: Deploy modular power and scale with ease and speed to meet your needs.​ ENERGY SOURCE INTEGRATION: This UPS supports integration of various energy and backup power sources, such as lithium-ion and nickel-zinc.​ INCREASED EFFICIENCY: With up to 99% efficiency in dynamic online mode, it combines continuous availability and cost saving.​ GLOBAL AVAILABILITY: It is designed, manufactured, and tested for worldwide availability.

  • 2024-09-12T12:04:48

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