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UNIVERSALPOWERSYSTEM5E67 65434678ae4e1df6fbef3981 Service
  • 2024-09-26T04:49:18

AMARON CURRENT Tall Tubular Battery - AM150TT54 (AAM-CR-AM150TT54) The AMARON CURRENT Tall Tubular Battery model AM150TT54 is designed for use in a variety of applications, such as inverters and solar systems. Here are the key details: Specifications: Type: Tall Tubular Battery Capacity: 150 Ah (Ampere-hours) Voltage: 12V Dimensions: Approximately 535 mm (H) x 200 mm (W) x 185 mm (D) (dimensions may vary slightly by manufacturer) Weight: Around 40-45 kg Technology: Tubular plate technology for longer life and better performance Design Life: Typically 5-7 years (depending on usage and maintenance) Features: High Durability: Designed to withstand deep cycles, making it suitable for power backup. Low Maintenance: Requires less frequent topping up of distilled water. Corrosion Resistance: Built with materials that resist corrosion, extending battery life. Temperature Tolerance: Performs well in a wide range of temperatures. Applications: Inverter Systems: Ideal for residential power backup. Solar Applications: Suitable for solar energy storage systems. Industrial Use: Can be used in various industrial applications requiring reliable power supply. Maintenance Tips: Regularly check the water levels and maintain them as per the manufacturer's recommendations. Clean the terminals to prevent corrosion and ensure optimal performance. Keep the battery in a well-ventilated area. Warranty: Typically comes with a warranty period (often around 24 months) that covers manufacturing defects. Pricing: Pricing can vary based on the retailer and region, but it's generally positioned as a mid-range option in the tubular battery market.

AMARON CURRENT Tall Tubular Battery - AM150TT54 (AAM-CR-AM150TT54) The AMARON CURRENT Tall Tubular Battery model AM150TT54 is designed for use in a variety of applications, such as inverters and solar systems. Here are the key details: Specifications: Type: Tall Tubular Battery Capacity: 150 Ah (Ampere-hours) Voltage: 12V Dimensions: Approximately 535 mm (H) x 200 mm (W) x 185 mm (D) (dimensions may vary slightly by manufacturer) Weight: Around 40-45 kg Technology: Tubular plate technology for longer life and better performance Design Life: Typically 5-7 years (depending on usage and maintenance) Features: High Durability: Designed to withstand deep cycles, making it suitable for power backup. Low Maintenance: Requires less frequent topping up of distilled water. Corrosion Resistance: Built with materials that resist corrosion, extending battery life. Temperature Tolerance: Performs well in a wide range of temperatures. Applications: Inverter Systems: Ideal for residential power backup. Solar Applications: Suitable for solar energy storage systems. Industrial Use: Can be used in various industrial applications requiring reliable power supply. Maintenance Tips: Regularly check the water levels and maintain them as per the manufacturer's recommendations. Clean the terminals to prevent corrosion and ensure optimal performance. Keep the battery in a well-ventilated area. Warranty: Typically comes with a warranty period (often around 24 months) that covers manufacturing defects. Pricing: Pricing can vary based on the retailer and region, but it's generally positioned as a mid-range option in the tubular battery market.

  • 2024-09-26T04:49:18

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