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  • 2024-09-23T05:34:26

AMARON Quanta SMF Battery 12AH12V The AMARON Quanta SMF Battery (12AH, 12V) is designed for a variety of applications, primarily in the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and renewable energy sectors. Here are the key details: Specifications: Type: Sealed Maintenance-Free (SMF) Lead-Acid Battery Capacity: 12 Ampere-Hours (AH) Voltage: 12 Volts (V) Dimensions: Typically around 150 mm x 100 mm x 130 mm (check specific model for exact dimensions) Weight: Approximately 3-4 kg Features: Maintenance-Free: No need for regular maintenance like water refilling. High Discharge Rate: Suitable for applications requiring short bursts of high power. Long Life Cycle: Designed to have a longer lifespan with deep discharge cycles. Vibration Resistance: Built to withstand harsh environments and vibrations. Easy Installation: Compact size allows for easy installation in various settings. Applications: UPS Systems: Ideal for backup power in homes and offices. Solar Power Systems: Used in solar energy setups for energy storage. Electric Vehicles: Sometimes used in smaller electric vehicle applications. Telecom Equipment: Provides backup power for communication devices. Maintenance Tips: While it's maintenance-free, ensure proper ventilation and avoid extreme temperatures to prolong battery life. Regularly check connections for corrosion and ensure terminals are tight. Warranty: Typically, AMARON batteries come with a warranty period ranging from 12 to 24 months, depending on the retailer and region. Considerations: Always ensure compatibility with your device before purchase. For specific applications, consult a professional to determine the best battery configuration.

AMARON Quanta SMF Battery 12AH12V The AMARON Quanta SMF Battery (12AH, 12V) is designed for a variety of applications, primarily in the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and renewable energy sectors. Here are the key details: Specifications: Type: Sealed Maintenance-Free (SMF) Lead-Acid Battery Capacity: 12 Ampere-Hours (AH) Voltage: 12 Volts (V) Dimensions: Typically around 150 mm x 100 mm x 130 mm (check specific model for exact dimensions) Weight: Approximately 3-4 kg Features: Maintenance-Free: No need for regular maintenance like water refilling. High Discharge Rate: Suitable for applications requiring short bursts of high power. Long Life Cycle: Designed to have a longer lifespan with deep discharge cycles. Vibration Resistance: Built to withstand harsh environments and vibrations. Easy Installation: Compact size allows for easy installation in various settings. Applications: UPS Systems: Ideal for backup power in homes and offices. Solar Power Systems: Used in solar energy setups for energy storage. Electric Vehicles: Sometimes used in smaller electric vehicle applications. Telecom Equipment: Provides backup power for communication devices. Maintenance Tips: While it's maintenance-free, ensure proper ventilation and avoid extreme temperatures to prolong battery life. Regularly check connections for corrosion and ensure terminals are tight. Warranty: Typically, AMARON batteries come with a warranty period ranging from 12 to 24 months, depending on the retailer and region. Considerations: Always ensure compatibility with your device before purchase. For specific applications, consult a professional to determine the best battery configuration.

  • 2024-09-23T05:34:26

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