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  • 2024-09-16T05:21:57

APC UPS Smart-UPS C 1000VA Key Features: Capacity: 1000VA / 700W Input Voltage: 230V Output Voltage: 230V Outlets: 8x IEC C13 outlets Form Factor: Tower Communication Ports: SmartConnect Port: For remote monitoring and management via APC's SmartConnect platform USB Port: For local monitoring and management Serial Port: For additional communication options Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR): Corrects voltage fluctuations without using battery power, enhancing battery life Graphic LCD Display: Provides real-time information on UPS status, power conditions, and diagnostics Battery Backup: Ensures connected equipment remains powered during outages and voltage fluctuations Surge Protection: Protects devices from power surges and spikes SmartConnect Feature: Enables remote management and monitoring through APC's cloud-based service Typical Appearance: The APC Smart-UPS C 1000VA usually has a sleek, black tower design with a graphic LCD display on the front panel. The display provides status information such as battery level, load, and power conditions. The rear panel includes the outlets and communication ports. Usage Tips: Setup: Ensure the UPS is placed in a well-ventilated area to avoid overheating. Testing: Periodically test the UPS to confirm it's functioning correctly and that the battery is in good condition. Monitoring: Utilize the SmartConnect and communication ports to monitor UPS performance and receive alerts. Maintenance: Regularly check the battery status and replace it as needed (batteries typically need replacement every 3-5 years).

APC UPS Smart-UPS C 1000VA Key Features: Capacity: 1000VA / 700W Input Voltage: 230V Output Voltage: 230V Outlets: 8x IEC C13 outlets Form Factor: Tower Communication Ports: SmartConnect Port: For remote monitoring and management via APC's SmartConnect platform USB Port: For local monitoring and management Serial Port: For additional communication options Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR): Corrects voltage fluctuations without using battery power, enhancing battery life Graphic LCD Display: Provides real-time information on UPS status, power conditions, and diagnostics Battery Backup: Ensures connected equipment remains powered during outages and voltage fluctuations Surge Protection: Protects devices from power surges and spikes SmartConnect Feature: Enables remote management and monitoring through APC's cloud-based service Typical Appearance: The APC Smart-UPS C 1000VA usually has a sleek, black tower design with a graphic LCD display on the front panel. The display provides status information such as battery level, load, and power conditions. The rear panel includes the outlets and communication ports. Usage Tips: Setup: Ensure the UPS is placed in a well-ventilated area to avoid overheating. Testing: Periodically test the UPS to confirm it's functioning correctly and that the battery is in good condition. Monitoring: Utilize the SmartConnect and communication ports to monitor UPS performance and receive alerts. Maintenance: Regularly check the battery status and replace it as needed (batteries typically need replacement every 3-5 years).

  • 2024-09-16T05:21:57

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